Healing Anxiety & Depression with
A Course in Miracles

Hosted by
Robert Perry & Emily Bennington

Circle of Atonement

Sunday, January 30th
1pm - 4:30pm Eastern


Depression and anxiety affect tens of millions of people every day. Indeed, in milder forms they affect us all.

It may surprise you to learn that A Course in Miracles has a great deal to say about both, with 40 references to anxiety and over 60 references to depression. Through these references, the Course weaves an entire thought system around each one.

Anxiety and depression may seem rooted in certain life events or appear to have a chemical cause. But the Course teaches that their real roots lie in deep-seated beliefs about the nature of self, reality, and God, beliefs that are merely exacerbated by more superficial conditions. 


The good news, according to the Course, is that there is hope. Both depression and anxiety can be cured because they are ultimately without foundation in reality. The beliefs they are based on are false. Undoing those beliefs, then, is the long-term cure for both depression and anxiety.

In this halfday workshop, Circle founder Robert Perry and executive director Emily Bennington will walk you through the teachings and tools in A Course in Miracles related to anxiety and depression.

You will learn:

  • How the Course defines anxiety and depression
  • Their apparent causes
  • Their real cause according to the Course
  • Practical solutions for healing both, and more.

When you register, you will receive:

  • Access to the live event on Sunday, January 30th from 1pm - 4:30pm Eastern. (Includes a 15 minute break between sessions.)
  • 3-hour recording for your records.
  • Handout covering major themes and teaching notes. (Recording and handout will be sent afterwards.)


No one is turned away from Circle programming for an inability to pay. For partial or full scholarship information, please email info@circleofa.org.


Robert Perry


Robert Perry brings to A Course in Miracles many years of private study and public teaching. He began teaching in 1986, and has since taught throughout North America and around the world. 

Robert is the founder of the Circle of Atonement and the lead editor of the Complete and Annotated Edition (CE) of A Course in Miracles, based on the original handwritten notes of Helen Schucman.

He is also the author of numerous books based on the Course. Among these are the popular An Introduction to A Course in Miracles and Path of Light: Stepping into Peace with A Course in Miracles.

Emily Bennington

Executive Director

Emily Bennington is executive director of the Circle of Atonement where she leads initiatives – including the Course Companions global online learning community – that bridge the Course’s unparalleled wisdom with practical application. 

Prior to joining the Circle, Emily led training programs on spiritual intelligence and mindful leadership for numerous Fortune 500 companies.

Emily is the author of three books, including Miracles at Work: Turning Inner Guidance into Outer Influence (Sounds True), which features a foreword by Marianne Williamson.

From our origin in 1993, the purpose of the Circle of Atonement has been to be a bridge into the profound and unparalleled wisdom of A Course in Miracles. We clarify the Course’s sometimes difficult language in order to make possible a deeper understanding of its teachings. We then help you put those teachings into practice, explaining how to apply them in your everyday life. Our work grows out of our commitment to be as faithful as possible to what A Course in Miracles says. It also grows out of our years of dedication to walking this path ourselves and our desire to see the Course’s purpose realized in the lives of students and in the world. For more information, please visit circleofa.org.